2013-2017 Sportens

During 2017 some post from Norfolk was decorated with some new Sporten stamps. These cover the years 2013 up to 2017, though by February 2018 a full release was still not imminent. There were 5 values and sports, but with some values having multiple designs there are 12 stamps seen so far. One colour predominates for each value, but other colours occur, and it is possible that the final colour may be different. There are also some of the type of printing flaws seen on the previous Sporten issues.

The four designs for the 7 Fillis Hissenbentzen stamps in four colours used.

The values and sports featured are 2F Slippenpollen, 7F Hissendanzen, 9F Wubblyclucken, 1D Pescaclubbatallen, and 2D Strekken-de-sossej. So far no sheet sports have been identified, but they will be out there somewhere. With the multiple designs of at least three of the values there are ample opportunities for se-tenant pairings. Also some stamps have the FFP logo in the bottom left corner suggesting these will be tete-beche pairings.

The two higher values are in a larger format. These may have Adden 1F Helfen Saften overprints, with some of the athletes wearing protective gear.