Smoking Gnu

The Smoking Gnu will be well known to anyone reading this so I will not waste words on the biographies of Mad Al, Sane Alex and undecided Adrian. It the novels they only appear in Going Postal, but their disillusionment with, and dislike of, the Grand Trunk is not limited disrupting the clacks with Tsortean Horses and Walruses. Being based on the roof of the Post Office building gave them an opportunity to spread their anti-clacks message by including there own stamps in the Off The wall LBEs in September 2009. These stamps, twelve in all, owe something to Roundworld artists with elements of graffiti, punk-art, and the like. It was said at the time that a little bit of Ankh-Morporks` gritty underbelly comes to life.

They first appeared as single stamps in the LBEs, but were sufficiently popular to warrant a booklet release, the sheetlet within being lesser task to display here than 12 separate stamps. It was stated that there were no differences between the LBE single stamps and those from the booklet, and I have been unable to spot any. That said, it is unlikely that the booklet sheets were used for LBEs, so a larger sheet size is likely for the source of the single stamps. I do not think anyone knows the numbers of these in collection, but with one stamp per LBE the total for each stamp will be 1/12th of the number of LBEs sold. Some booklets may have been broken into singles. The cover of the booklet was textured card with the logo of the Smoking Gnu branded onto it.

To round off this page, firstly an image of a prototype of one of the Gnu stamps. I have only seen this one example (on a well known auction site) and have no idea if any others are out here in collections. If there are I would be very pleased to know and will include them here. Also, here is a stamp produced by James Cauty, of KLF fame. He is quite prolific in the production of political stamp designs, and it must be admitted that this one has a similarity to the prototype and final version of the Anarchy Gnu.