Owlswick's Forgery

Owlswick Jenkins was an expert forger working in Ankh-Morpork. He first came to be known to reader during the events described ‘ Making Money, but his history as a forger of stamps is outlined.

“... lower down on the front page was the headline STAMP FORGER TO HANG. They were going to hang Owlswick Jenkins. And for what? For murder? For being a notorious banker? No, for just knocking up a few hundred sheets of stamps. Quality work too; The Watch wouldn’t have a case if they hadn’t burst into his attic and found a few sheets of half-penny reds hanging up to dry. He’ d forged postage stamps. He really had. It broke your heart, it really did. Oh, he’s done higher values too, but what kind of person goes to all that trouble for half a penny? Owlswick had, and now he was down in the condemned cells in the Tanty, with just a few days to to ponder on the nature of cruel fate before he was taken to dance on air.”

The halfpenny stamps produced by Owlswick are very good forgeries, but they do have one noticeable characteristic which helps collectors to identify them from the regular Wincanton perforated stamps. He reproduced the motto across the top of the AMPO building slightly wider, so that the pale space either side is smaller.

Wincanton                                                    Owlswick

As a result of the Watch’s arrest collectors were able to obtain forgeries in various states of completion in their LBEs. Usually they were single stamps, but I have heard of a lucky few receiving a block of four as illustrated. Starting at a basic layout Owlswick worked inward colouring the fine detail.



The actual stamps distributed were printed in sheets of 72, in blocks of four as shown providing just 18 sets per sheet.

Other materials found in Owlswick’s room were used as evidence against him and again, collectors have copies of these. The evidence sheet has a partially perforated set of stamps, but a very few imperforate examples exist. An evidence label was pinned to the sheet.