Owlswick's Stamps

Owlswick Jenkins was an expert forger working in Ankh-Morpork. He first came to  be known to reader during the events described ā€˜ Making Money, but his history as a forger of stamps is outlined.

ā€œ... lower down on the front page was the headline STAMP FORGER TO HANG. They were going to hang Owlswick Jenkins. And for what? For murder? For  being a notorious banker? No, for just knocking up a few hundred sheets of stamps. Quality work too; The Watch wouldnā€™t have a case if they  hadnā€™t burst into his attic and found a few sheets of half-penny reds  hanging up to dry. Heā€™ d forged postage stamps. He really had. It broke your heart, it really did. Oh, heā€™s done higher values too, but what kind of person goes to all that trouble for half a penny? Owlswick had,  and now he was down in the condemned cells in the Tanty, with just a few days to to ponder on the nature of cruel fate before he was taken to dance on air.ā€