Postal Labels

No listing of these Cinderella stamps would be complete without mention of the postal labels that Colin has included on his mailings over the last few years. Some have already been mentioned as they specifically refer to certain issues. But there is a number of general issues worth a mention.

The most common type feature cartoons and slogans expressing the desirability of collecting Cinderella stamps, and Laernu stamps in particular. There have been at least of twenty these and many have appeared with different colour schemes, different sizes, or imperforate.

A couple of Stampsmyth labels are also known. More recently Far Fetched Philately labels have appeared. In 2012 the Sportens stamp design was incorporated into a label when the sheets from those stamps were dispatched


There are, of course other labels, but they probably only collectable by the most obsessed collector. Of course I only have these in my collection ‘just in case’.