Death of Rats

Death of Rats is not only an entity in his own right, but essentially part of DEATH himself; the only species specific Death that did not get reabsorbed towards the end of the events in Reaper Man. He and his companion, Quoth the Raven, made an appearance on two sheets of festive Hogswatch Sticky bits. One sheet was made up of pairs featuring one of each with a ‘Post Early for Hogswatch’ slogan, and the other having a range of festive slogans. They accompanied the 2005 50p Hogswatch issue.
A very few inkjet printed, scissor-cut examples have turned up in mixed Discworld stamps in on-line auctions.


The designs for these labels were originally designed as two extra values, one penny and a two penny, to go with the fifty pence hogswatch sleigh. A very few sheets with 30 stamps, three of each value as se-tenant vertical strips, were printed and perforated. In two of these triplets one of the stamps was inverted in respect to the other two. These two lower values were rejected by Sir Terry. He decided only a single value was needed, possibly because of reservations regarding the validity of a stamp showing Death of Rats and Quoth. Neither are particularly Hogswatch characters. The 50p stamp on this mixed sheet had the value in words, not numbers. Sir Terry insisted that this be changed too. Hence what is termed a sport for the 50p is not a sport in the true sense of the meaning.

The Grim Squeaker astride Quoth also makes a guest appearance on the minisheets issued for Hogswatch during the Year of the Sneezing Panda. Significantly though, they are only there as part of the David Wyatt artwork outside the actual stamp design, just above and to the right of Alice Band, the Assassin. For completion collectors need the imperforate sheet that was available through GCTS.



Death of Rats has also popped up on the sports of the Year of the Condescending Carp Hogswatch stamps. EeeK! Can you see him?