
Have you noticed how many Discworld Stamps have doppelgangers in the Roundworld? I suppose that once Moist, aided and abetted by Teemer & Spools, accidentally replicated the Penny Black to a large extent with the Penny Patrician the postal authorities over here were bound to play a game of tit-for-tat and base some of their designs on Discworld stamps.
"Wait", I hear you say, "The Roundworld examples date back sometimes more than a century before the DW examples appeared here. " What you are forgetting is that the two universes are travelling down different trouser legs of time; and these trouser legs are not necessarily a matching pair, with one stretched to a slimmer fit, while the other is all baggy and crumpled,  with huge turn-ups. This results in time in the parallel universes not necessarily matching at the knees or anywhere else, and may run alternatively faster and slower in one leg compared to the other, or even backwards.

Here is a list of the pairs of stamps which have been identified. It is not complete by any means. Some pairs show marked similarities, while for others only some elements of one may have inspired some detail on the other.

The Stamps

The Dopplegangers

The Penny Patrician

The 1840 Penny black

Year of the Prawn 2p

1889 Reichspost

Year of the Prawn 10p Morporkia

Natal 1902 high value definitive

Assassins Guild Three Pence

De la Rue trial stamp

The 2005 Merchants Guild

1939 Barbados commemorative

Twoshirts 2p Cabbage Macerating

1915 Caroline Islands German colonial

Zlobenian 1 Zloty

Imperial Russia 20 Kopek

Sto Lat 10p

Jaipur Silver Jubilee 1947

Anoia 1p special issue

Prince of Wales Hospital Fund 1897

Klatch 10 Wol

Iraq 1930 6 Anna

Djelibeybi 1 Talon

Egypt 1000 year anniversary of Al-Azhar University.
(I am not too convinced on this example)

Tsort 1 Drachma

Aden states 1942
(I am clutching at straws with this one)

Ankh-Morpork postage dues

Great Britain pre-decimal postage dues

Initial Patrician and 5th Anniversary Patrician

Queen Victoria high value 1865-83

Sto Lat 2p

Cape of Good Hope 1897

Year of Pensive Hare 2p

Antigua George V 1d

$2 Merchants Guild Civic

GB George V high values

Ankh-Morpork Great Inventors

Canada 1927 special issue

$1 International Parcel Post

1936 Tannu Tuva 1R diamond

Soul Cake Duck Penny

Tristan da Cunha 1948 One Penny



There are probably more examples that could be added to this page, especially some more recent ones. If anybody has any such examples let me know on the Facebook page. Someone with inside information will know some.