
When young lads went abroad they would want to send postcards home to friends and relatives. Those dwarfs, trolls, and watchmen who found themselves up in Koom Valley at the end of the events in Thud! are no different. Discworld Stamp Collectors have some nice items to add to their collection, though two do defy being placed in an album. The dwarf and troll postcards were a special issue limited to 100 cards each. The dwarf card is made of dwarf bread (it really is - I nearly broke a tooth trying to bite a bit off) and is addressed to Gimlet of delicatessen fame in Ankh-Morpork. The troll card is hewn from sedimentary rock (as evidenced by the ammonite fossil) and is addessed to Sgt Detritus of the City Watch. Both have an indecipherable message scratched into the back - probably Wish You Were Here’. They both have a ten-pence Koom Valley stamp, with the appropriate species on the attack, canceled by a KV Field Post frank.

The City Watch lads weren’t left out. This blank Field Service post card was issued ready stamped with a Koom Valley Patrician stamp. Collectors were able obtain theirs as a free gift in issue 7a of the Stanley Howler Stamp Journal.