A few disappointments out weighed by new species seen and some great sites to visit. New this year are definite Green Flowered Helleborines - both pendula and either degenera or phyllanthes. the Marsh Fragrant Orchids, and the Gait Barrow Lady Slippers even though they were well passed flowering. Gait Barrow at a more conducive time of year is worth a revisit and Alyn Waters, being on my doorstep is a must for the Bee Orchids in June and for the Helleborines in late July.

To progress I need to make more use of the resources available. Books are okay, but are very general otherwise they would be too heavy to lift. They also become outdated. The internet has many resources available though you do tend to head down dead ends too often. Forums such as Wild About Britain and Birdforum generate real time discussion, have the latest news, keep you knowledgeable about what is happening and are frequented by genuinely helpful folk.