Marevedas Islands

Avast there me earties!

The CORREOS de MAREVEDAS stamps were issued in to coincide with International Talk Like A Pirate Day, 19th Sept 2011.

Shrouded in mystery, the mythical Maravedas islands are said to appear to sailors in desperate need of a safe haven from stormy seas. Stories are told of hordes of treasure, buried by pirates and protected by ancient curses. All those who might attempt to steal their booty are doomed, never to leave the islands alive...

The 3 centavos stamp shows the archetypical Pirate Captain with his buried treasure, palms trees, a pirate ship anchored off-shore, and the skull of an adventurer who never quite made it; all set in a frame worthy of a classic colonial stamp issue.
As per usual there was a Mythprint variation on the stamp sheet, high quality covers, a single stamp presentation and an Artwork Design sheet offered to collectors.
Collectors could qualify for single stamp miniature sheets in their own special envelopes. One held the standard brown stamp, while the other held the rarer green framed variety.

What to look for with this issue?

  • The mythprint
  • The presentation folder
  • The green mini-sheet
  • The Design Artwork sheet


Yo ho ho!