
Why does the stamp text say FAUNA when the Wahoonie is of vegetable origin? This has been asked on the forum, but no answer was given. Moving Pictures makes the Wahoonie’s status clear. ‘They put stickers on the back of their carts saying Ankh-Morpork - Loathe it or Leave it. They call it The Big Wahoonie after the fruit. In the footnotes the Wahoonie is described as  .. twenty feet long, covered in spikes, the colour of earwax, and smells like an anteater that’s eaten a very bad ant. Its RW equivalent would be the Durian. So definitely FLORA would have been more appropriate.

Was this a mistake at the design stage? Colin always has been meticulous with what is included in the design of his own stamps. Somehow I do not see him making such a mistake. If I am correct then presumably this was on the briefing he received, so I can only conclude that it had been in the brief and for some Discworldly reason Terry had insisted on this.  This adds to my feeling that perhaps behind the scenes this stamp was originally conceived as part of something bigger. Other free Journal stamps had used recycled or in-house designs and artwork, but here was David and Colin being commissioned to work on a give-away item. Yes, the cover used the same and was sold, and the artwork used on other merchandise. But that is why it looks like even more as part of a larger scheme. There may have been other explorers featuring on other stamps, and it was this concept that was revisited in 2009. Or am I just thinking too hard. It may just have been a simple error.
Perhaps the idea was revisited in the Year of the Pensive Hare with the Great Explorer series. These rode, to an extent, on the back of a short mention of the Ankh-Morpork Trespassers Society in Unseen Academicals. Could Terry have been contemplating more about the society in Making Money, but binned it? Could we see a Fauna and Flora of Discworld series sooner or later? I know this has been contemplated, and other merchandise has featured a good selection with original artwork.