
Omnia, one of the desert lands by the Circle Sea, is Discworld`s most notable theocracy. Hence its stamps get a mention here rather than be included with Djelibeybi and Klatch etc. Though the church of Om has moderated since the events of Small Gods, a century or two ago, it still exercises considerable influence. Thus the first stamps from Omnia each had an accompanying label with text from The Book of Om - plenty of smiting and so on. Issued in the Year of the Complicated Monkey, there were 24 stamps featuring the Golden Bull of Om and 24 labels per sheet. When distributed in LBEs the stamps always had the label below attached.

There was no sport stamp on the sheet. However there was a special and limited stamp only to be found in LBEs. It featured the Sacred Turtle of Om, and this came with its own text label. Again there were 24 stamps and labels per sheet, all identical.




It was soon realised that there was a glaring error on these stamps. The denomination was written as 1 OBAL, when everyone knows that the currency is the OBOL,
This was corrected on a Green Cabbage Trading Scheme only offer. A letter addressed to Visit The Infidel With Explanatory Leaflets, and contains a church building appeal fund leaflet and a pre-paid return envelope.
The stamp is identical with the 1 Obal issue, whilst the Om text is no so much as apology but more an excuse.



A second Omnian stamp issue paid tribute to the Quisition with a design reflecting the various instruments of torture they used. I do have a problem with this. The Quisition would have folded many years previous when Brutha because the head of the church and revealed as the 7+1th prophet. This was from a period modern Omnians would prefer to forget.
The stamps were printed in sheets of 30 with a single sport showing a finger press inverted. The stamps were available only for a limited period.
A prize item for a lucky few LBE buyers was an extraordinary multicoloured mini-sheet of eight stamps. These can also be found on a very few covers.

Brother Brutha was the only true believer in Om the god. Hence Om was stuck on Roundworld in the form of a tortoise. By the end of the events in Small Gods Om was restored and Brutha hailed as the Eighth Prophet of Omianism. These events happened centuries ago. It took until the Year of the Beleagued Badger for the Omnia postal system to mark Brutha`s rise to greatness. Om though, looks a bit dejected on the sport.