Events in Mµ

Life in Mµ is never boring, there is always some big event to look forward to, or look back upon.  Whether it’s a national holiday, traditional happening, or sporting event, you can read about it here. And don’t forget that all are free, and all are welcome to join in.  

If you have a an event to publicise here, let us know on FaceBook - Land of Mµ


28th December 2016 Bacon Sandwich competition

The Land of Mμ ended the year with the Annual Bacon Sandwich competition, one of the most prestigious events on the calendar. Overall winner, Kevins Trucks faced tough competition from contestants from all over Mμ, but his maple-smoked two-year old thyme-fed semi-wild boar charcoal-grilled streaky-bacon in home-baked dμrμm-flour focaccia-ligura had the judges fighting for it. It also won the most hyphens competition too!
There was a light hearted moment when judge Apollo di Bruin was presented with an 'outsider's' creation. He or she obviously had mistakenly thought they could teach Mμ how to do it. Apollo pulled his most aghast expression on noticing not just lettuce but also tomato intruding from between the bread slices. He flourished a pair of tongs, theatricallly removed the offending vegetation, and then declared it 'unfit for consumption'.


21st December 2016 The Pantomime

Pantomime time in the Land of Mμ means a trip down to the Mμsic Hall in Mμ. This year it was Schrödingers Cat - The Mμsical. The crowds joined in as evil Baron Einstein declares the cat to be dead ("oh no it isn't") and alive ("oh no it isn't" again). And when the hero Planck goes to look for the cat they all shouted "Its behind you - relatively speaking". They sang along as the Professor set his famous equation to music. Highlights included the Pμgly Sisters playing Twister (there's a poem there) and getting in a right old quantum entanglement; laughed as the dame, Widow Heisenberg, had to muck-out the cat's box over and over again; no uncertaintly in that. This years guest narrator was Lord Brian Cox; we saw a few dropping off to sleep in his bit so won’t book him again. As usual it was a charity event and all donations went towards cardboard boxes for the wild-cats of Mμ to play in. If you missed it this year shame on you - make sure you book early in 2017.



11th December 2016 Pi of the week

 The next Pi of the Week will be …. Ta daa! 22/7

 Basically 3.145926355897932384 (ad infintum) is just too cumbersome for general use and not everyone remembers it in full.
Consequently it gets shortened to the same level of accuracy as 22/7 – about 0.01% off the true value.
So when working out the volume of a pie with a diameter of 10 inches,  the answer only differs by less than 1/100th of a square inch. Do not  try this with pasties and beef and onion (or tandoori chicken) slices,  you may come unstuck.
22/7 is close enough we reckon. We reckon this will be Pi of the Week for many weeks to come



28th September Sµmmer Rµmpty Tµmpty Dµ

Sµmmer Rµmpty Tµmpty Dµ
When in Rome .........
Sµmmer Rµmpty Tµmpty Dµ

Enjoy a drink, sing a song, and don't be embarassed. Sµmmer Rµmpty Tµmpty Dµ these days is not as wild as that old picture suggests, but just as much fun - nearly. The Festival of Sµmmer Rµmpty Tµmpty Dµ dates back nearly 2000 years when the Land of Mµ was part of the Rµman Empire. Nowadays Rµme is but an average town (by Mµ standards - bloody great compared to elsewhere) not far from the Desert of Mµ. The Empire has gone but the best bits live on. All are invited but bring a bottle. It all kicks off in Mµ Square at 9 on Friday


.22nd August – Flying Ants Day

Every year there that day when, mid afternoon, venturing outside you find a flying ant walking up your arm, or tangled in your hair. Looking around you see that there are flying ants everywhere. The good folk of Mµ, rather than being irritated by this, have over the years turned it into an annual event. 

This year’s theme was Gourmet Night.  Street sellers peddled their wares, families came home to something unusual for tea, or people invited friends over to try something never attempted before. Amongst those dishes voted favourites were pantcakes, tempura ant, and ant dips. The pantcakes are in fact pancakes with flying ants added to the batter. The formic acid from the insects replaces the usual lemon juice, but don’t overdo it! It can be very strong tasting. Batter was used for the tempura too. This time with a very light batter, well whipped and the biggest and fattest flying ants dipped in and deep fried. This was served with wasabi, and the combination explodes on the tongue. The other spicy favourite was ants dipped in chilli and then melted chocolate. You should have seen the children who thought they were pinching some sweeties, and having to run for a glass of cold water!





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