YotP 10p Green

One`s first thoughts on the 2004 Ten Pence definitive might be not a lot of interesting stuff to write about that stamp’. Every week one or more will appear on a well know auction site, either selling for 49 pence or bundled in with a mixed lot of old Discworld stamps. Even when one factors in the alternative perforations there is still nothing remarkable.

However, look a bit deeper and a bit of Discworld Stamp history is revealed, and there are some rare not-to-be-forgotten variations for the collection. No less than four Green Cabbage specials have used a version of this stamp, and it does not stop there. There is a semi-official stamp and a few bits of associated printed matter to round off the subject. The background and evolution of this stamp is a good place to start

By comparison the Five Pence Morporkia, from that same year, is boring stamp. However, as this is the same design, just a different colour and value, it shares the same history and can be accommodated on these pages as well.